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Longarm Quilting
Let us help get your quilt finished.
Our longarm quilting service makes it easy for you to finish your quilt by passing the hard work over to us, leaving you free to focus on the fun stuff, designing and sewing your next project.
Whether you need our fully quilted edge to edge service, or your quilt just layered and basted, we are here to help.
We also make it super easy to calculate the cost of quilting your top by charging a flat rate of 2p per square inch for quilting, and 0.07p per square inch for basting only.
Meet The Quilter Behind the Shop
Emma Bradford, Founder of the Swift Quilting Company, believes that, regardless of previous sewing experience, anyone who wants to become a quilter can do so.
After 28 years as a quilter and having tried many different quilting techniques and gadgets, Emma's motto is "There is no right or wrong way, only the way that works for you."
"I've seen so many beginner quilters become discouraged and give up due to lack of confidence, or simply bewilderment at all the dos and don'ts that get thrown at them, that I decided to start demonstrating techniques or projects every Friday night on The Swift Quilting Co. Facebook page. This is a safe space where anyone can ask me questions, and if I don't know the answers, the other viewers definitely will. You will also see me making silly mistakes like everyone else, but it's never the end of the world."
"The only thing I take seriously, is longarm quilting my customer's quilts. Rest assured, there is nothing more precious to me than another quilter's quilt."
"As you can see from my photo, I'm also a biker. I learned to ride a motorbike at the age of 44, and trust me, I was not a natural, it took me four attempts just to pass my CBT! But I persevered, and passed my MODs 1 & 2 just two years later, first time round and with no faults.
My reason for sharing this is that so often we give up on the things we don't get get right the first time, we expect too much of ourselves and berate ourselves for failing. Be kind to yourselves, and encourage yourself as you would do others. You've so got this! Don't be afraid to test the limits of what you can achieve. You might just amaze yourself."

You can catch Emma demonstrating sewing and quilting projects on Sewing Street, as well as see her livestream demonstrations on Facebook, YouTube, and on the Vlogs page of this website.